News From The Ninth Arch

CMMRF: Leading the Way in Funding the Use of Stem Cells

CMMRF: Leading the Way in Funding the Use of Stem Cells


The Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation (CMMRF) has for many years funded research being done at the Indiana Center for Vascular and Biologic Medicine (ICVBM) at the University of Indiana. However, some our Companions have shown a hesitancy to support this based largely on misinformation about the type of cells being used. Many believe that there are embryonic or fetal stem cells being used here, nothing could be further from the truth. Our donations support research being done in a number of areas using adult stem cells from young healthy donors.

In the body stem cells act in various ways to help support and repair various tissues. These are called differentiated stem cells and are specific to support and manufacture cells where they are found. For example, stem cells found in the skin support the repair and manufacture of skin cells. Another type of stem cell such as those found in the bone marrow these are called undifferentiated or pluripotent stem cells, meaning that in the presence of specific growth hormones these cells can grow into any cell that may be needed. These cells are then encapsulated and given to the patients. The encapsulation allows the cells to secrete the appropriate signals while protecting them from being rejected by the patient’s immune system.

For more information about the work being done at the ICVBM I urge all Companions to visit the CMMRF website at

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