News From The Ninth Arch

Columbian Award Nominations Now Due!

Columbian Award Nominations Now Due!
Stephen A. Balke
General Grand Recorder, Cryptic Masons International

Columbian Award Medal


Greetings Companions, May I ask for your help?

The Triennial Assembly of the General Grand Council is coming quickly, and while there are many things to do, we need you to help us with this in particular.

To date, there are only 5 nominations for the second most prestigious award for a Cryptic Mason, the Columbian Award.

The General Grand Master has declared that ALL NOMINATIONS must be in by
March 15, 2020,
so please get these filled out and submitted to your Regional Deputy!

Each Triennium, the General Grand Council gives one of these awards to a Companion nominated from each Region – and an additional three at large. This is an excellent opportunity to show appreciation for that Companion who goes well above and beyond his duties for your Council or for the Grand Council. If you know a Companions such as this from your jurisdiction (state if inside the US, usually a country if outside), PLEASE encourage your Council to get this nomination done and in!


We would like the Regional Deputy General Grand Masters to have to work hard processing a few that they would sponsor so the elective officers have some hard decisions. We know there are many selfless servants to the Cryptic Craft, please take some time to point them out to us.

The Regional Deputy General Grand Masters and I look forward to receiving your nominations!

If I can help, please contact me.

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