News From The Ninth Arch

Contentment with God\’s Provision

Contentment with God\’s Provision
By Companion Jack A. Holloway
Illustrous Associate Grand Chaplain, Grand Council of Florida

Architect Hiram, St. John\’s Church, Chester (1900)
Photocredit: Wikipedia


Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me not poverty, nor riches: feed me with food convenient for me, Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or lest I be poor and steal, and dishonor the Name of my God. Proverbs 30:8-9

Companions, Part of this passage is in Hiram\’s Royal Master Prayer. It shows the wisdom of knowing man\’s temptations and tendencies. When we are in times of plenty, it is easy to think our bounty is a result of our intellect and initiative instead of being a gracious gift from God, or in times of scarity to not trust in God\’s provision and protection. The term convenient is also translated as \”sufficient\” or \”assigned portion\”. This concept reminds us of the manna supplied as a daily portion in the wilderness and carried through to the New Testament in the model prayer Jesus taught us to pray when we ask for our daily bread and not be led into temptation by extremes but be satisfied with God\’s provision.

O Lord, we praise your Holy Name and thank you for the daily blessings we enjoy and the strength each day requires. Amen.

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