News From The Ninth Arch

General Grand Chaplain\’s Message May 2019

General Grand Chaplain\’s Message
E. Jeffrey Craig


Greetings Companions!

This year is flying by.  What is the status of your Council’s plans and projects for the remainder of this Cryptic year?

As we think about the month of May, Mother\’s Day comes to mind and connects our mind to another holiday. So often times we get busy and wrapped up in all the things going on in our busy lives.  We might remember why we celebrate this special day.  We might remember the day, and get the cards, flowers and candy, but do we really remember the day, and why we celebrate it?

In our busy lives it is all too easy to forget the most important thing in our lives after our relationship with our God, our loved ones, our families.  How often have we pushed them aside because we have a meeting, or a game, or work?  How frequently do we rush past without acknowledging them or their greetings, their attempts at conversation or their attempts to share joy or concern?  How often do we brush off their being a valued part of our lives, just for the sake of something “more pressing or important”?  Was it really?

Our loved ones, our families, are gifts from God given to us for a reason.  Sometimes that reason is readily apparent and sometimes it is just a mystery, but that matters not at all.  They are ours and they should be acknowledged, valued and appreciated for all that they bring to our lives, be it rewards or challenges.  Please take the time to really celebrate your loved ones, not just with cards, candy and flowers, but with your attention and your person as well.  Let them know that they are special to you and that you thank God for them and for having them in your life.  Then, remembering that in Masonry we often hear “Family First”, really put that cliché saying into practice and put family first in your life, right behind your duty to and relationship with your God.

So, where does that leave Masonry?  How about right behind keeping food on the table and a roof over your head which follows family and your relationship with your God.  Our lives are a balancing act my Companions. Is your life in balance?  I pray it is.  Masonry, and Cryptic Masonry in particular are important, yes, but they are but tools to assist us in being better men, and to assist us in helping others.  Through Masonry we learn how to live better lives, but we are selling short if we do not share that with others.

Sharing takes on many methodologies.  We share constantly through our words, deeds and actions. Are we sharing positively or are we sharing negatively?  We share through helping others to see, to do, to learn, to shelter, to eat.  Are we sharing or are we just paying lip service to sharing, or are we not even going that far?

Are we as Masons sharing the bounties and the Love and the Light that we have been so graciously blessed with?  Not only with our family, but with our friends, Brothers, and Companions, and as we should often hear: “every man has a claim on your kind offices, do good unto all.”  Seize the opportunity, make this year the renewed beginning of sharing Love and Light with all you come into contact with.

2nd Corinthians 5:17.

Grace and Peace,

RPC E. Jeffrey Craig
General Grand Chaplain
General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons International

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