News From The Ninth Arch

General Grand Master: Fraternal Greetings

General Grand Master: Fraternal Greetings
Submitted by MPC Monty Glover, General Grand Master

Monty Glover
General Grand Master
Cryptic Masons International


Aloha and Fraternal Greetings Companions,

Well, here we are at the beginning of the 48th Triennium of the General Grand Council. I’m humbled and honored to have been chosen by you to not only serve as the General Grand Master but to serve you and do everything I can to improve our beloved Cryptic Rite. I know we will have challenges before us, but we will also have successes, and working together I know we will have many more successes than challenges.

I am committed to three major focuses this triennium, Communication, Innovation, and Transparency. The General Grand Council will continue to make strides in improving each of these areas so that any Cryptic Mason will have a good understanding of what is going on with the business of the General Grand Council.

I will be very honest with you all. I hate to write! I seem to lack the muse that many of my Brothers in the Craft possess. However, I do love to talk. I enjoy good respectful discussions and two-way communication. I would like to set up a regular zoom meeting where any Cryptic Mason is welcome to join and have a discussion about the General Grand Council and Cryptic Masonry in general. So be on the lookout for these meetings. I may not have all the answers to your questions, but my hope is that there will always be someone on the call that does and together we can become closer in our fraternal bonds and increase our understanding of all things Cryptic. This will be my primary means of communicating with the Craft. There will continue to be articles published regularly by the other Officers and members through the Decryption and I’m sure that I will, from time-to-time write an article so don’t despair on that front.

I truly look forward to this labor of love and I hope that you will share in it with me.


Monty J. Glover
General Grand Master
General Grand Council Cryptic Masons Int.

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