News From The Ninth Arch

GGC Presents PD Newman: What Goes Up Must Come Down Video

PD Newman


On July 11, 2021, Companion PD Newman presented an educational program entitled What Goes Up Must Come Down: Katabasis, Anabasis, and Their Significance in the Craft.  The video is now available at the link below.

What Goes Up Most Come Down Video

P.D. Newman is a member of Tupelo Lodge No, 318 in Tupelo, MS. In addition to contributing to a number of Masonic periodicals over the years, including \”Knight Templar Magazine,\” \”The Scottish Rite Journal,\” \”Ad Lucem,\” \”The Transactions of the Mississippi Lodge of Research,\” etc., his books, Alchemically Stoned: The Psychedelic Secret of Freemasonry and Angels in Vermilion: The Philosophers\’ Stone from Dee to DMT  are available at all major booksellers.  He is also a contributor to the Tria Prima,

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