News From The Ninth Arch

Musings from the Mysterious Missourian

Bill Snyder
General Grand Principal Conductor of the Work


Castle Burgruine Fortress – Courtesy of Creative Commons

Mysterious Nine Update:

Thus far, I have received a number of responses concerning the question of this Triennium:  What is the regular alarm of the Mysterious xxxx?  A couple of those responses included well-researched or well-written observations and conclusions.  As time goes on, we will be printing those responses for your consideration.  Note:  Your consideration, i.e., for you to think about, meditate upon, or react violently, yet peaceably, in a spewing of words worthy of being published as a General Grand Council Weekly DeCryption Newsletter article. Perhaps even worthy of inclusion in the next edition of an updated History of the Cryptic Rite or as an explanatory addendum to any of our Rituals. 

Ancient Craft Masonry: 

Please anticipate much more on ritualistic teachings like this in future issues. Please be watching and reading and better yet, sharing articles from the Newsletter with your fellow Freemasons or qualified membership prospects.  The Weekly DeCryption and the articles published in it really can be used as a Membership tool if the leadership in your Grand Council elects to use it.  Millennials, Baby Boomers and the “Gens” want to know about Ancient Craft Masonry.  They already know that it existed even if we are not focused on it. 

Now this is where I will rant a bit for the purpose of provoking you to thought.  Quite often, when confronted with a good question from a prospect or new member, we choose to appear to be evasive or ignorant of our “unknown” history or try to sell the conclusions of others that are often not well-founded in fact or logic.  All too often, legends have been dismissively separated from our rituals and our teachings by the so-called smart guys who like to find “easy” answers instead of trusting you to form your own dangerous conclusions.  It is our duty as Cryptic, Royal and Select Masters to prevent the diminishment of all Ancient Craft Masonry, including our very own Cryptic degrees. 

We also have a duty to protect our fellow Freemasons and prospects throughout the world from Clandestine forms of masonry that can lead to aberrant forms of religiosity or agenda based pursuits.

I submit that much of the evidence is in plain sight and has been for centuries.  You just need to think about it and then ask the Great Architect for guidance if you become unsure of your way.

Let’s start learning and sharing about the evidence of Ancient Craft Masonry’s teachings, legends and doctrines.  It may change some lives around you as well as your own. And, it might make a Lodge, Chapter, Council or Templar meeting way more interesting.

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