News From The Ninth Arch

Strategic Planning – Start 2019

Norman Lane
Strategic Planning Committee


The purpose of this Committee is to determine where we are, where we are going and how do we get there for the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons International.

Strategic Planning consists of a systematic process that the organization agrees on; builds key leadership team members commitment, and focuses upon the priorities of the organization in order to move it forward.

This is not a one year process, that we plan and do something and then finish.  This planning and execution is an on-going process year after year, building on previous accomplishments and moving in a coordinated and agreed-upon direction with specific priorities.

  • Prioritize the most important issues
  • Be open to all possibilities
  • Prepare a written planning document
  • Make the plan into an annual operational plan

To get started we need to have the end in mind.  What do we need to be doing for the upcoming year to accomplish our mission?

  1. Communications between General Grand Council and each Grand Council
    1. Increase the number of readers to the Weekly Decryption
    2. Solicit input from Grand Councils regarding their interests and objectives
  2. Grand/Constituent Council Officer development courses
    1. Leadership direction
    2. Making the Councils successful
    3. Goal setting/follow-up
  3. Define the duties and responsibilities of the Ambassadors
    1. Train them to be the leaders/assistants to Constituent Councils
      1. Ritual exemplification
      2. Officer Training
      3. Goal Setting                     

Incorporate the General Grand Council Leadership and the Strategic Planning Committee into one team moving General Grand Council forward.

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